14_ COLORE DEI CAPELLI? castani cn bmeche/b bionde 15_ COLORE DEGLI OCCHI? marroni 16_ PORTI LE LENTI A CONTATTO? No... xD 17_ FRATELLI/SORELLE E LORO ETA'? un fratello di 7 anni 18_ MESE PREFERITO? Giugno 19_ CIBO PREFERITO? ...
Livingston should be promoted to Tacoma by mid season and if he does as well there as he now, he should be given a shot in the rotation for next year. Next year's rotation should do better than this year's. FA or Piniero or bMeche/bb.../b You know Ron - sometimes, those are the best bvacations/b. I'm not sure how much world traveling I'd be up for these days with the anti-American sentiment around the world anyway. It's pretty a pretty miserable spring weather-wise so far here. b.../b
You have young players fighting for roster spots, and old players playing for good contracts and tired players setting up golf reservations and making bvacation/b plans.So, those baseball people would say not to get too excited about the Royals’ b.../b There were snickers all around baseball when the Royals paid Gil bMeche/b $55 million for five years, but I suspect there are a number of teams around baseball who would pay a lot more than that for Gil bMeche/b now. b.../b